Frequency analysis of vibrations of the internal combustion engine components in the diagnosis of engine processes
internal combustion engine components, vibrations, residual processes, working processes, technical condition diagnostic, internal combustion engineAbstract
Many methods of diagnosing internal combustion engines have been already worked out. They can be divided into methods using working processes and methods using leftover processes. Working processes give information about general condition of internal combustion engine. Leftover processes give information about condition of particular subassemblies and kinematic couples; hence they are used as autonomous processes or as processes supporting other diagnostic methods. Methods based on analysis of vibrations and noise changes to determine technical condition of object are named as vibroacoustic diagnostics. In papers about vibroacoustic diagnostics of engine, problems connected with difficulty to select test point and to define diagnostic parameters containing essential information about engine's condition, are most often omitted. Selectionof engine's working parameters and conditions of taking measurements or registering vibration signal are usually based on references, researcher's experience or intuition. General assumptions about taking measurements of signal closest to its source are most often used. Application of vibrations and noise generated by working combustion engine to assess correctness of its work and technical condition has many advantages. Vibroacoustic processes are a good carrier of diagnostic information for the following reasons: - high information capacity, - high speed of data transfer (signal's component describing change in object's condition is visible the moment the inefficiency occurs), - vibration signal reflects all significant processes in combustion engine, - measurement of vibrations and noise does not require special preparations of technical object for tests and can be carried out during regular operations. This article presents a new approach to vibroacoustic diagnostics of internal combustion engine. Selection of test points of vibration on the basis of impact tests' results was suggested. Those results were applied to build dynamic models of systems of combustion engines. Such model was used to assess condition of the systems.
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