Avigilon compact camera’s test for integrated safety system within airport security





compact camera, integrated airport security, safety system, experiment


The article presents an experimental exploration of the selected technical features of the Avigilon 2.0C-H4A-BO1-IR Compact Zoom Camera with IR Adaptive Illumination. The article describes the purpose, procedure, and results of the motion detection verification, as well as the identification of motion detection errors, using Avigilon's investigated camera, to the distance of guaranteed recognition capability in specific daylight conditions that determines video analysis. This article constitutes the first part of the internal research activity of the Department of Flight Preparation - pre-research, for the design of an integrated mobile airport security system. For safety reasons, the testing was performed near the airport and not at the airport. The test sample was obtained by using the Avigilon 2.0C-H4A-BO1-IR camera located 8 meters above the ground level in the direction of the selected perimeter of the "protected area" for the experiment. The movement in the space was made by people and the passage of motor vehicles at a distance that was less than the distance guaranteed by the camera's recognition capability in the specific daylight conditions. The movement of persons and motor vehicles was generally performed perpendicular to the position of the camera, left to right, and/or back. The speed of movement of people was, as a rule, an average walking speed of 1m/s, the motor vehicles ranging up to 40km /h. Identification of motion detection errors is important for corrections of the prepared information model of security risk assessment of a protected object based on the fuzzy logic to support the airport security management decisions, as well as for finding a technical solution to eliminate these camera vulnerabilities, or selecting and testing another camera for our mobile technology platform. The results advance our theoretical knowledge and have a praxeological significance for the creation of a technological demonstrator and subsequently a prototype of a smart mobile airport security system. Institutions responsible for the protection of state borders, the fight against illegal migration, smuggling of goods, etc. are also interested in mobile security solutions.


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Original articles

How to Cite

Jevčák, J., Kelemen, M., Antoško, M., Choma, L., & Kozuba, J. (2020). Avigilon compact camera’s test for integrated safety system within airport security. Archives of Transport, 55(3), 17-27. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0014.4200


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