Using BCI and EEG to process and analyze driver’s brain activity signals during VR simulation




signal processing, EEG, BCI, emotion recognition, driver, virtual reality


The use of popular brain–computer interfaces (BCI) to analyze signals and the behavior of brain activity is a very current problem that is often undertaken in various aspects by many researchers. This comparison turns out to be particularly useful when studying the flows of information and signals in the human-machine-environment system, especially in the field of transportation sciences. This article presents the results of a pilot study of driver behavior with the use of a pro-prietary simulator based on Virtual Reality technology. The study uses the technology of studying signals emitted by the human mind and its specific zones in response to given environmental factors. A solution based on virtual reality with the limitation of external stimuli emitted by the real world was proposed, and computational analysis of the obtained data was performed. The research focused on traffic situations and how they affect the subject. The test was attended by representatives of various age groups, both with and without a driving license. This study presents an original functional model of a research stand in VR technology that we designed and built. Testing in VR conditions allows to limit the influence of undesirable external stimuli that may distort the results of readings. At the same time, it increases the range of road events that can be simulated without generating any risk for the participant. In the presented studies, the BCI was used to assess the driver's behavior, which allows for the activity of selected brain waves of the examined person to be registered. Electro-encephalogram (EEG) was used to study the activity of brain and its response to stimuli coming from the Virtual Reality created environment. Electrical activity detection is possible thanks to the use of electrodes placed on the skin in selected areas of the skull. The structure of the proprietary test-stand for signal and information flow simulation tests, which allows for the selection of measured signals and the method of parameter recording, is presented. An important part of this study is the presentation of the results of pilot studies obtained in the course of real research on the behavior of a car driver.


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How to Cite

Nader, M., Jacyna-Gołda, I., Nader, S., & Nehring, K. (2021). Using BCI and EEG to process and analyze driver’s brain activity signals during VR simulation. Archives of Transport, 60(4), 137-153.


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